The Corporate Trainer’s Intuition

Sep 16, 2024

As a corporate trainer many situations encountered, when conducting workshops, ask you to exercise your intuition and to move beyond merely offering knowledge.

You are challenged to look into the black hole of not knowing. You haven’t been able to find a connection with someone; you need to deal with an idea or issue not anticipated; perhaps you are being asked to elevate the quality of your work by someone who is talented and wants more and is pushing you through their passion for the work they are learning, or it may be someone who just wants to challenge you.

The list of wonderful challenges you encounter as a workshop facilitator/trainer are endless and to be embraced. The unknown, in moments of challenge, impels you to draw on qualities you didn’t know you had: to birth, or to grow something of yourself. This growth, if taken, will reach a point of understanding, birthed by accumulated experiences which you will feel gives you a dominion over how to deal with what you are encountering. At this point you recognise have an intuition: you have intuitively responded to what was once your waterloo.

You are now able to step beyond knowledge and move instinctively into a curious and and flowing mode of training.

Intuition Incites Inspiration

Intuition influences the other person more than your information can.

In a training context intuition provides insight and is the catalyst for trust and therefore encourages a braver level of learning.

Intuition connects you to the deeper workings of your client and through this connection provides both the client and yourself insight. This deeper response, beyond knowledge becomes the bridge for epiphany and inspiration and results in breakthrough.

Essentially intuition leading to insight is a process where the unknown becomes known for the client. For the trainer it is the felt being described: the unseen being revealed.

In a group training context the successful utilisation of your intuition, in a healthy and appropriate way, results in high levels of trust and a culture of being open to learn is triggered.

Searching for Intuition

Tapping into intuition can be confronting as it is informed by knowledge and yet lies beyond it. It requires instinct but is a deeper response. It is totally, as a trainer, coming from your capacity to work with empathy for the other.

A good tennis player develops technique (knowledge) through practice and then forgets technique on game day to play instinctively (reflexive use of technique, or knowledge). The step beyond this is when the tennis player intuitively reads their opposition: when they are weakening, their capacity to move to a ball, what they are going to do before they do it etc. Knowledge helps, instinct is important, however the best players possess the next level. Intuition.
You will need to continue to trust your knowledge, imagination and emotional responses. You will have an instinct, a feeling of “rightness" - your inner voice. Then you will ask why and the answer will be beyond and in the other person.

Mastering Intuition

Eventually intuition becomes a habit. Stay open: let it come. Let go of fully understanding it.

Trainers with mastery over their intuition have instincts and processes that are deeply bedded and foundational in what they do. They have patterns to encourage this Intuition to become present.

Your reputation as a trainer will be built on your insight and influence: on your capacity to provide real change: real breakthrough and genuine epiphany. This presupposes that you love to impart knowledge with the greater good of the workshop participant fore front of mind.

All breakthroughs, epiphanies, insights, come through what you say when your intuition is in play.

The capacity to train through your intuition is a leadership attribute developed through your desire to meet and grow in the face of initial challenges.

Andrew Lloyde is a Corporate Trainer and Facilitator

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